jueves, 3 de mayo de 2012

Maria Auxiliadora Promo 2012 11°B

Nosotros como promocion 2012 del Colegio Salasiano Don Bosco Masaya Nicaragua nos comprometemos profundamente a celebrar con devoción y al alegria este mes de Mayo a Maria Auxiliadora de los Cristianos.

Y por nosotros invitamos a todos a dar a seguir esto esta novena a Maria Auxiliadora hecha por Don Bosco:
1. Rezar durante nueve días seguidos tres Padrenuestros, Avemarías y Glorias con la jaculatoria "Sea alabado en todo momento el Santísimo Sacramento", y tres salves con la jaculatoria "María Auxiliadora de los cristianos, ruega por nosotros".
El cristiano ora al Señor y también a la que es su Auxiliadora
2. Recibid los Sacramentos de la Reconciliación y de la Eucaristía.
El cristiano vive unido a Cristo, a la Auxiliadora de los cristianos y a la Iglesia por los Sacramentos.
3. Os recomiendo que prometáis vuestro donativo o vuestro trabajo personal para sostener obras de apostolado, preferentemente salesianas.
El cristiano, siente que la Auxiliadora le anima a ser apóstol y a sostener las obras de apostolado de la Iglesia de Cristo.

 Ademas debemos de practicar esta oracion dirigida por el padre y maestro de la juventud San Juan Bosco:
¡Oh María Virgen poderosa! Tú, la grande e ilustre defensora de la Iglesia; Tú, Auxiliadora del pueblo cristiano; Tú, terrible como un ejército en orden de batalla; Tú, que sola destruyes los errores del mundo, defiéndenos en nuestras angustias, auxílianos en nuestras luchas, socórrenos en nuestras necesidades, y en la hora de la muerte, recíbenos en el eterno gozo. Amén

Con este canto le damos una rosa a nuestra madre Maria Auxiliadora:


Junto a ti María, como un niño
quiero estar, tómame en tus brazos
guiame en mi caminar.
Quiero que me eduques, que me
enseñes a rezar hazme transparente,
lléname de paz.


Gracias, Madre mía, por llevarnos a Jesús,
haznos más humildes, tan sencillos como Tú.
Gracias, Madre mía, por abrir tu corazón
porque nos congregas y nos das tu amor.

La celebracion a nuestra Madre Maria es mas especial cuando todos los niños y jovenes celebran con alegria y felicidad cantando y adorando en este mes dedicado a ella.

jueves, 26 de abril de 2012

Trabajo de ingles

Nikola Tesla (biogrqafia)

Born July 10, 1856 Smiljan, Austrian Empire (Croatian Military Border) 
Died: January 7, 1943 (86 years)Manhattan, New York, USAResidence Manhattan, New York, USAKarlovac, CroatiaBudapest, Hungary
 Nationality: Empire of Austria (10 July 1856-29 October 1918)USA (July 30, 1881 - January 7(1943) 
Fields: Mechanical Engineering Electrical Engineering
 Institutions: Edison Machine WorksTesla Electric Light & ManufacturingWestinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co. 
Alma mater: Technical University of GrazCharles University in Prague 
Influences: Ernst MachInfluence: Gano DunnFeatured Awards: Order of St. Sava (1892)Elliott Cresson Medal (1894)Edison Medal (1916)John Scott Medal (1934)


Nikola Tesla (Cyrillic: Никола Тесла, Smiljan (Austria-Hungary, now Croatia), July 10, 1856 - New York, January 7, 1943) was an inventor, a mechanical engineer and electrical engineer and one of the most important promoters birth of commercial electricity. He is best known for his many revolutionary inventions in the field of electromagnetism, developed in the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Tesla's patents and theoretical work formed the basis of modern alternating current electric power (AC) systems, including the polyphase power distribution and the AC motor, which contributed to the birth of the Second Industrial Revolution.

Tesla was an ethnic Serb, was born in the village of Smiljan, in Austria-Hungary (now Croatia). Austrian Empire was a citizen by birth and later became a citizen estadounidense. After his demonstration of wireless communication via radio waves in 1894 and after his victory in the war of currents, was widely recognized as one of the largest U.S. electrical engineers. States. of America. Much of his early work pioneered modern electrical engineering and many of his discoveries were of groundbreaking importance. During this period in the United States, Tesla's fame rivaled that of any other inventor or scientist in history or popular culture,  but due to his eccentric personality and his seemingly unbelievable and sometimes almost unbelievable, about the possible development of scientific and technological innovations, Tesla was ultimately ostracized and regarded relegated to a scientist loco. Tesla never paid much attention to your finances. It says he died impoverished at the age of 86 years.

Aside from his work on electromagnetism and electromechanical engineering, Tesla has contributed in varying degrees the development of robotics, remote control, radar, computer science, ballistics, nuclear physics, 8 and theoretical physics. In 1943, the Supreme Court of the United States credited him as the inventor of the radio.9 Some of his achievements have been used, not without controversy, to justify the various pseudo-sciences, theories of UFOs and the fight against gravity and New Age occultism and theories about teleportation.

Kevin Virgilio Morales Chamorro #24
Melvin Ivan Vasques Medina #32
Carlos Jose Tapia Gonzalez #29
Promo 2012 Salesiano Don Bosco